Sunday, May 28, 2006

Hi ........!!

"My first impression of you was that you are so unpredictable but having spent quite sometime with you, I realized you are the most predictable of all I've ever met"

was the way one of my friends described me. From then on I've decided that these would be the lines I will be using wherever I had to introduce myself and so they happen to be the lines here too. As you might have already guessed I have this habit of beating around the bush, I somehow developed this idea that this was the only way of leaving a lasting impression or forcing my ideas on others.

The toughest task ever for most of us would be to single out what we are really interested in doing .... Painting, dancing, music, movies, reading, playing, trekking ...... I love doing them all but the one I love doing most is discussing events though I always end up discussing people. I know its wrong but still I had some positive things out of it, which will be the subject of most of my posts.

A year back if someone asked me whether I would ever write and direct a movie I would have laughed at her. But it did happen...COCKTAIL(didn't hear about it, nevermind) first (and only sofar). The best thing out of it ...more than the critical acclaim ... it gave me these golden words(not very catchy though)

"Things are not done unless you start them"

Cocktail by Jugash,kartheek and Nishnath-Part one

Cocktail by Jugash,kartheek and Nishnath-Part two