Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Garage music

My first




Monday, November 21, 2011

Need Answers...

Why is life insipid, when it's not boring?
Why does it seem like a continuous mourning?
Why can't I find my inner harmony?
Why is this heart in deep agony ?

What's this hidden voice that's trying to whisper?
What's the chilling truth that makes your heart whimper?
What's this beauty that you can't see with perfect sight?
What's this feeling that can crush you with it's might?

Where am I being led while standing still?
Where is the end to this eternal drill?
Where is the grave to my vanity?
Where do I find selflessness? It's such a rarity.

Will I gain back what I miss?
Will I convert grief to bliss?
Will I sail past times that test?
Will I make life a fest?